Crittur Cauldron Registration ( ) Yes, I want to register my copy of Crittur Cauldron. Enclosed is my check or money order for $5.00 US dollars. I understand that this will entitle me to bug fixes, minor upgrades, and the ear of the programmer, when I tell him what I like and dislike about his program, the world economy, deforestation and what kids are wearing these days. ( ) Yes, I also want to recieve by US or International Mail the C source code to Crittur Cauldron. My enclosed check or money order is for $15.00 US dollars ($10.00 for the source code, and $5.00 for the registration). My name and address is: Name ______________________________________________________________________ Street ____________________________________________________ Apt __________ City and State ____________________________________________________________ Country ___________________________________________________________________ Mailing instructions: Print this form out on any printer, at 66 lines per page. Fill it out, and fold this sheet, together with your check or money order, inside the following sheet so that the address on the following sheet is showing. Staple or tape the whole thing together (make sure the money can't fall out), write your return address on it, put a stamp on it, and run, don't walk, to your nearest mail box. __________________ affix __________________ stamp __________________ here Crittur Cauldron Registration c/o Thom Robertson 803-C Autumn Circle College Station, TX 77840 U.S.A.